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The Mysterious Many-Man! is a comic inspired by Spy Kids. It was published in Q3 2002 as part of the Disney Adventures Super Comic Special 2002.[1]



“The Mysterious Many-Man!”





MANY-MAN has come to New York to disrupt a world peace conference! His plan: kidnap the rare and beloved pet Komondor (the funny-looking breed of dog with long, ropy strands of hair covering its body) of the ambassador from the peaceful nation of PENCILVANIA. CARMEN and JUNI have discovered his plan, and confront him outside the embassy. But Many-Man has gotten the drop on our heroes—he’s made three fully-animated two-dimensional COPIES of himself, who close in on the young spies menacingly. The duplicates resemble black-and-white, flat paper Xerox versions of Many-Man.


As JUNI and CARMEN stand back-to-back and prepare to defend themselves, MANY-MAN makes another COPY of himself. He holds a light wand, connected by a thick wire to a big backpack. As he waves the wand over his body, a two-dimensional version of himself springs from a slot in his backpack. Many-Man gloats: While his trio of two-dimensional lookalikes takes care of Juni and Carmen, he and the new duplicate will snatch the ambassador’s prized pooch and frame Pencilvania’s enemies for the crime!

CLOSE ON CARMEN and JUNI as Carmen realizes they need a plan--fast! Juni seems strangely silent…


The flat MANY-MAN COPY slides up from under the door into a room where the ambassador’s KOMONDOR sleeps in a cushiony dog bed.

The MANY-MAN COPY tries to grab the KOMONDOR. But the dog bed suddenly jets away from him and rises into the air! The dog seems to have a human smile on its face…



CARMEN pulls out a small glue stick that looks like the kind you’d use in school. But this hi-tech stick emits a broad glue spray that coats the MANY-MAN COPIES. She shouts to JUNI to grab one of the velvet ropes that runs along the front of the building.

JUNI pulls a rope around the now-sticky MANY-MAN COPIES, causing them to stick together. The struggling flat paper men are helpless!


In its flying bed, the KOMONDOR heads for the door. But MANY-MAN and another COPY were waiting for him there. The copy leaps into the air, wrapping itself around the surprised dog.

With the dog wrapped in the COPY like a birthday present, MANY-MAN gleefully orders the other COPY to grab him so they can escape.



As MANY-MAN and his dog-carrying COPY emerge, they see CARMEN and JUNI, who stand before the crinkled up ball of struggling, pasted-together COPIES. The KOMONDOR bursts from his wrapping to leap at Many-Man. He uses his jaws to rip the light wand from the villain’s hands, tossing it to CARMEN. “Scan the building!” the dog yells, in a familiar human voice.

Jet boots blazing, CARMEN leaps up the face of the building with the light wand, stretching the wire connecting it to MANY-MAN. The light from the wand scans the whole front of the building.

MANY-MAN cringes as a huge, two-dimensional copy of the building begins to emerge from his backpack, crumpling down on him and his remaining COPY due to its great size! The KOMONDOR, now running on its hind legs like a human, gets out of the way.

With the MANY-MAN and his COPY trapped and struggling under the huge paper copy of the building, the Komondor removes his dog mask! We see it’s really JUNI in disguise. The “Juni” standing next to CARMEN is actually a robot double of the real Juni. They laugh at the thought of Many-Man being fooled by a duplicate of someone else.

Carmen leans against the inert JUNI ROBOT and teases JUNI that Many-Man should not have been fooled, because the robot isn’t really all that much like Juni—“It’s a lot cooler.”

The End![2]



Country Published in Date
United States Disney Adventures Super Comic Special 2002 Q3 2002
Australia Disney Adventures September 2003


No lettering[]

